Wednesday, August 26, 2015

11. Being a Filipino

Some Filipinos say that the Filipinos are worth dying for, and some people say that it is better to die a hero than live long enough to see yourself turn into a villain. You don’t have to die to become a hero, being a hero is doing good things from baby steps, from doing the dishes at home, throwing the garbage, or doing your chores, even cleaning your bedroom. It all lines up, that you should always listen to your parents, Filipinos are like that, they love their parents and they do chores, like what their parents asked them to do because it has a lesson to it, like clean the streets whenever it is flooded, people are always helping each other out, in other terms “bayanihan”, and from cleaning the streets we should also learn to protect our landmarks, we have to protect the rivers, the oceans surrounding our country. We should not dump our garbage in the rivers and under the bridges, but most Filipinos do.

 A good Filipino has to know our history, the Filipino history is very wide, everything all around the world is connected to the Philippines, from the americans Spanish, Japanese people, they all came to the Philippines and change our culture, for that our culture is very rich because of the mindsets they put into us, like hospitability, and other values. What other people think of Filipinos is actually very low, they eat most of our food for experiments, or for videos on youtube where they eat gross food, like balut or dinuguan. I think you should not focus on bad things and look at the whole board, you should look at all the characteristics of Filipinos, because everyone has good ones. Have dota 2 for example, foreigners really hate playing with Filipinos, they even have a special name for pinoys, and it is “pee noise”, just because most of us are hot headed, quiters, and trash talkers; people should not have any stereotypes for Filipinos because not everyone is the same. I do say myself that I have a lot of bad stereotypical Filipino traits, like crab mentality, manyana habit, and hot headed(pikon in Filipino); like teasing other people makes you laugh, but when they tease you back, you would get offended and mad.

 Filipinos should be proud of that because we have a lot of other good traits, and they should not get mad for the flaws they have, because with imperfection comes beauty, beauty as in Filipino talents, like Vanessa Hudgens, Manny Pacquiao, and Bruno Mars; not only in the united states, but also the local Filipino stars are very talented, and known worldwide, like Lea Salongga, Sarah Geronimo, and even Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza, whom trends worldwide almost everyday with their love team aldub. Not only  Filipino stars are known worldwide, but also a Filipino show which has the longest airing time for a reality T.V. show named “eat bulaga” is being broadcasted in Indonesia; we Filipinos should be proud of that because not all countries have shows being broadcasted in another country.

Physical features of Filipinos should not be underestimated because Filipinos are naturally beautiful, most countries are just sour because we keep making it to the top of beauty contests, like Megan Young and other Filipino supermodels. I am proud to be Filipinos, I want to see this country rise up from the ashes again like what happened during the 70’s where the Philippines is rich, where 1 dollar=2 pesos. I am proud to be a Filipino, and I have what it takes to be a Filipino, because in my blood runs the blood of Filipinos, from my ancestors, to my grandparents, to my parents and onto me, I am a Filipino by blood, mind, heart, and spirit. I have what it takes to be a Filipino!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blog Listing

  1. Yesha Alfafara 12
  2. Mark Justine Apit 10
  3. Laureta Maria 15
  4. Jeeno Jimenez 15
  5. Marc Jimenes 14
  6. Wyatt Holgado 7
  7. Tyrone Fonacier 2
  8. Thom Llantos 7
  9. Aleo De Leon 14
  10. Marc Nares 15
  11. Lean Carreon 15
  12. Sherine Coronel 14
  13. Katrina Umayao 11
  14. Laureta Maria 12
  15. Jhenina Sta.Cruz 15

Monday, August 24, 2015

10. Bayanihan

Heroism is such a special thing to people nowadays because it is so hard to find it now, unlike in the olden times where people had to be gentlemen, kind and honorable. Heros don’t need super powers, they give out acts of heroism in small things for example just knowing your country, loving it, and caring for what happens to it is heroism. Bayanihan is love for ones country, you do not need to die to become a hero (bayani) you just need to take pride in to your own country, care for it, help as much as you can to the growth of your country.

During a Heneral Luna conference in our school, it opened my eyes on heroism, and inspired me to be a bayani of the Philippines as well as our own heroes, I am young and can only start from scratch or the little things in life that help people; like loving my country; being proud to be Filipino; know the heroes’ legacies; be aware of what’s going on in your community, your country, and the world; Partcipate, be active when you can; let your voice be heard, while listening to others; be the best at whatever you do; know your rights and fight for them if you have to; choose good leaders, be a good leader yourself regardless of the situation; extend help to your countrymen whenever needed; know your history, love it, learn it, and reflect from it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

9. APC's Anti-Smoking Campaign

Why do people smoke? They say that when you try your first cigarette it will make you cough like crazy, afterward you will feel dizzy and lightheaded but hyper at the same time, kind of like a buzz for a few minutes. Once people get used to smoking, they will easily be addicted to it, because of the taste in your mouth, the feeling they get when they do it, is like stress removers but addicting. What do people get from smoking? PLEASURE!!! It’s just pleasure, they don’t benefit anything from it and little by little it slowly kills their lungs. Smoking believe it or not, is very expensive, a five-year supply of cigarettes can almost buy you a car, can you imagine that? A CAR!

A lot of high school students already smoke , they are risking their lives for nothing, for fun maybe, but people please don’t  be peer pressured by your classmates because smoking is killing yourself, suicide is a choice, please choose wisely. I have two friends  who smoke , they are named Dominico Cerrrada, and Thom Joneil Ogema Llantos, but they are both really kind friends of mine, even though they smoke, it doesn’t really affect their attitude in any way, but still! I am their friend, so I care for them, I want them to stop smoking for their own health.

I see a lot of students and teachers in my school smoking at the parking lot right in front of the campus, I think it should be stopped for health and social purposes, what if an asthmatic student wants to enroll at Asia Pacific College, but his/her parents saw the people smoking at the parking lot, I bet they would have second thought on enrolling their child, for health reasons. What if other people saw that a lot of students are smoking at the parking lot, they would say that we dress so proper, but allows student and teachers to smoke right in front of the school, and I think that would affect the image of the school itself.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

8. 5 days of Joy


5 DAYS! 5 FREE DAYS! Is what I thought of SoCSIT week. That week was nothing out of the ordinary for me because I learn and have fun everyday, but I can never compare SoCSIT week with my normal days in school because SoCSIT week gave me a whole new perspective of college life, before I thought of college as a super boring and strict version of high-school but I was wrong after hanging out and having fun with upperclassmen and batchmates because it was super fun to hang out with them and share experiences with them.

During SoCSIT week I was only excited about one thing, and that is the mr. and ms. SoCSIT because I wanted to see very beautiful girls in my school, and I was not disappointed in the result because I saw a lot of gorgeous women. I have to be honest, I wasn't present in most of the activities because I was too lazy to wake up in the morning, so I usually don't attend morning activities, but was still able to join the rest of the activities in the afternoon. I did not join the fame or shame because I was embarrassed to perform in front because I have no talent when it comes to singing and dancing, I was afraid all the girls will find me stupid. SoCSIT week was such a stress-free week because I had all the time in the world to have fun with friends and even make more. I only had a few problems during the SoCSIT week, first of all was the opening ceremony's parade, the route we took was so stupid, we only went around the parking lot for nothing, it was extremely hot that day and I hated how we had to go around the parking lot; secondly, I hated the fact that the banner making was not a competition because our block exerted so much effort in making our banner for nothing; lastly, I hated the fact that I did not attend the SoCSIT night, but that is not really the school's fault, it was mine, but I still had a blast with the SoCSIT week and it will truly make a mark in my college memory.

Monday, July 20, 2015

7. My fear of death

Everyone dies, that’s why I am afraid of it, you can not dodge death, no matter what you do you will die one day. I am afraid of death, it is my biggest fear, I don’t know what happens when someone dies, is everything black, or do you just dream the whole time. My fear of death is maybe caused by the unknown, no one can tell you what death is like, if someone did I would get scared even more. Death kept making me think about life when I was a kid, I kept thinking to myself if there is even a thing so called “life” or have I died in the past and this present life of mine was all just a dream. The scariest thing about death to me is the beliefs, that there is heaven and hell, I can never think of myself being in hell that is just too scary for me. 

 Beliefs are the things that should always be there in life because if you think there is no god, and there is, you will go to hell; but if you do believe that there is a god, then you would go to heaven; and if you think there is a god, but there isn’t , it is ok at least you had faith on something, and I think that will be the biggest life lesson about life, to believe and have faith. I don’t know why I was afraid of the dead while growing up, maybe because I feel like they would just awaken, but I shouldn’t really be afraid of that they are already resting. I believe now to be afraid of the living, not the dead because the living people are the ones who can hurt you the most or even end up kill you, and I really don’t want to die, so now I am afraid of human beings. Just kidding, but yes I am still very afraid to die.

6. League of Legends

League of legends is a game I like playing just because it is a very fun ,exciting, popular, clean game to play. League of legends has been declared as a sport and thus making a lot of people athletes when it comes to the law. This kind of strategy, roleplaying, arena games are all the hype in a lot of countries especially America, Europe , and asia.

 League of legends or in other words lol has a very easy mechanics to it, the characters in the game are called champions, and there are two types of champions there is the ranged champions and there is the melee champions, the ranged champions have long range that’s why they are called ranged champions, and then there is what you call as melee heroes who fight in close combat. 

There is also this thing in lol called abilities and summoner spells, the abilities are given depending on the champion you chose, while the summoner spells are given for free and don’t cost any type of mana to use. There is also something called hit points which can be called hp. Mana , energy ,are the ones used to cast your abilities while some champions don’t have/ need mana to use their abilities, and some have unique bars depending on the champion.

 The roles in this game is simple, there is a solo top laner which is usually a tanky champion or any type of champion you desire, then there is this so called mid laner usually played as an ap champ or any assassin, then there is the attack damage carry in the bottom lane, along side the support of the team, they are in charge of bottom lane. The support helps the team by assisting them in kills or survival but its main role is to help the attack damage carry get stronger and carry the team, then there is the jungler who helps out other lanes from ganks and give teammates kills.

5. My top 3 Sneakers of all time

1.       Jordan 6 - my favorite shoe of all time is the Jordan 6 just because while growing up I used to watch an anime called Slamdunk, and the main character’s shoe was a Jordan 6, today I have a pair of my own and I would clean it every time after I use it to preserve its sole from yellowing. This shoe has been my favorite shoe since I was a kid  and now that I have it I will try my hardest to not destroy it or make it smell bad. The Jordan 6 is the shoe that Jordan has when he first won a championship, truly making the Jordan 6 an iconic sneaker and a huge part of sneaker history

2.       Jordan 1 – this shoe is one of the most iconic and simple Jordan shoes due to the fact that it looks and feels retro, this shoe is super flexible to whatever you are going to wear, choose whatever you want for your pants or shirt, this shoe can fit it well thus making it one of my favorite shoes. The Jordan 1 was called an iconic shoe due to the fact that this single sneaker started the era of a legend, and a sneaker company of its own.

3.       3. Jordan 8 – the Jordan 8 is one of the more bulkier shoes in the Jordan sneaker industry, but it is a really good performance basketball shoe due to the fact that it has superb ankle support and cushioning for our feet. Though this shoe is super hot to wear it is still a pretty dope shoe to wear and it really stands out when worn. The Jordan 8 resembles the elephant foot which simply states to the people that Jordan was into the more powerful side of business and was protecting his health during the time. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

4. My experiences with girls

        My personal experiences with girls are nothing out of the ordinary, because I never had any kind of special relationships yet. I am usually called by my classmates during high school as “torpe”, due to the fact that I can not tell a girl I like that I like her, and we will usually end up as “just” friends, or in other words I usually get stuck in the friend zone. The friend zone is the worst place to be if you have a huge crush on a girl, but she may or may not like you back and you did not tell her how you feel, then afterwards she gets a boyfriend, which makes you just a friend to her and become totally out of her dating radar. Ok enough said about my past experiences with the friend zone, today I would like to consider myself as a super shy type to women. I can not ask a girl for her name or number, because I usually degrade myself, due to my low self esteem when it comes to girls. I have this mentality that keeps telling me that I am out of a girl’s league, which is something I should really lose.

       People keep telling me that confidence and attitude is the key to a woman’s heart, which is something hard for me to do because girls nowadays really like bad boys, they find bad boys to be exciting and fun that’s why they fall in love with those type of guys. I am a huge turn off to girls because, I am not too masculine, I like romantic comedies, hate action movies, watch anime, and does not really have any vices. I am the type of person who is afraid of girls because they will remember their first impression of you, and that is the one thing about you that they will never forget.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

3. Girls and Boys

     Females are a kind of human being which are far more complex and sophisticated than the ones called males. Girls usually get mad at awfully little things, but are unforgiving, for example her reply for “I’m sorry” is k, then walks away.Boys get happy at awfully little things like a 50 peso bill, but forgive easily, too easily in fact that even if they are still mad they say that it is ok already. When boys are mad at something they usually do the distraction method, wherein they try to distract themselves to forget whatever it is that they are mad about, unlike women where they do the open to other girls method, wherein they tell their other girl friends whatever it is that they are mad about, but it usually ends up as gossip.

               Girls make guys happy just by being with them, boys make girls happy just by buying something for them. Boys fall in love with looks that is why girls put on make-up, while girls fall in love with words, that is why boys tell lies. Boys don’t get jealous because they don’t trust girls, boys get jealous because they know exactly what the other boys are trying to do with girls. Boys hate to cry, they rarely ever do. But when a boy cries over a girl, I can guarantee that he loves that girl, because boys only cry when they lose something that they love as much as they love themselves. That is why when I lost my save state at pokemon fire red I was crying so much, because I lost something so important that day.

              As said by Tony Gaskins In “ man hasn’t passed the true test of manhood until he develops the self-control to be faithful to one woman. Any male can cheat, but only real men have what it takes to be faithful. Boys be careful around girls, you might not know that girls are more sensitive than you will, but boys just cant bring their emotions out in words that is why most of the people who suicide are males. Girls take good care of boys, boys have feelings too.

2. Things I like

       The things I like are very simple. The things that make me happy are the things that I like the most, Especially my family and friends. I love to draw, mainly because it brings out my creative side, and express my emotions. I like watching anime and movies, mainly in the romantic comedy category because it really puts my mind in a different state of thinking, I start thinking about things that barely happens in real life.
 I like listening to music, I only like listening to love songs and other songs with really deep meanings, because I hate songs without good lyrics, like techno and mostly anything most teens play, especially songs about butts. I like being in school, for some reason there is this distinct feeling I get when I am in school, something I never feel at home or anywhere else, maybe a thirst for fun, or just wacky things I do with my friends really hype me up and keep my blood pumping for excitement. I love video games, just because it is very time consuming and addicting at the same time, it keeps me very entertained for hours, especially if you can play with your friends, multi-players are the real deal for me just because enjoying them with real people makes you feel less lonely, just because all your shyness will be gone because you are not really talking to them face to face and just have a friendly game, so it is like having fun and getting new friends at the same time. I like Girls a lot, but girls seem to not like me, because most girls like bad boys, and I am the opposite of a bad boy. I usually call it sight seeing or window shopping when it comes to girls. I am Joshua Spark Cruz and these are the things I like.