Sunday, July 12, 2015

2. Things I like

       The things I like are very simple. The things that make me happy are the things that I like the most, Especially my family and friends. I love to draw, mainly because it brings out my creative side, and express my emotions. I like watching anime and movies, mainly in the romantic comedy category because it really puts my mind in a different state of thinking, I start thinking about things that barely happens in real life.
 I like listening to music, I only like listening to love songs and other songs with really deep meanings, because I hate songs without good lyrics, like techno and mostly anything most teens play, especially songs about butts. I like being in school, for some reason there is this distinct feeling I get when I am in school, something I never feel at home or anywhere else, maybe a thirst for fun, or just wacky things I do with my friends really hype me up and keep my blood pumping for excitement. I love video games, just because it is very time consuming and addicting at the same time, it keeps me very entertained for hours, especially if you can play with your friends, multi-players are the real deal for me just because enjoying them with real people makes you feel less lonely, just because all your shyness will be gone because you are not really talking to them face to face and just have a friendly game, so it is like having fun and getting new friends at the same time. I like Girls a lot, but girls seem to not like me, because most girls like bad boys, and I am the opposite of a bad boy. I usually call it sight seeing or window shopping when it comes to girls. I am Joshua Spark Cruz and these are the things I like.

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