Saturday, July 18, 2015

4. My experiences with girls

        My personal experiences with girls are nothing out of the ordinary, because I never had any kind of special relationships yet. I am usually called by my classmates during high school as “torpe”, due to the fact that I can not tell a girl I like that I like her, and we will usually end up as “just” friends, or in other words I usually get stuck in the friend zone. The friend zone is the worst place to be if you have a huge crush on a girl, but she may or may not like you back and you did not tell her how you feel, then afterwards she gets a boyfriend, which makes you just a friend to her and become totally out of her dating radar. Ok enough said about my past experiences with the friend zone, today I would like to consider myself as a super shy type to women. I can not ask a girl for her name or number, because I usually degrade myself, due to my low self esteem when it comes to girls. I have this mentality that keeps telling me that I am out of a girl’s league, which is something I should really lose.

       People keep telling me that confidence and attitude is the key to a woman’s heart, which is something hard for me to do because girls nowadays really like bad boys, they find bad boys to be exciting and fun that’s why they fall in love with those type of guys. I am a huge turn off to girls because, I am not too masculine, I like romantic comedies, hate action movies, watch anime, and does not really have any vices. I am the type of person who is afraid of girls because they will remember their first impression of you, and that is the one thing about you that they will never forget.


  1. Aww so sad I express my condolences

  2. It's okay to be torpe if you know that your feelings for that girl is serious :). Someday ms. Right will come hehehe
