Monday, July 20, 2015

7. My fear of death

Everyone dies, that’s why I am afraid of it, you can not dodge death, no matter what you do you will die one day. I am afraid of death, it is my biggest fear, I don’t know what happens when someone dies, is everything black, or do you just dream the whole time. My fear of death is maybe caused by the unknown, no one can tell you what death is like, if someone did I would get scared even more. Death kept making me think about life when I was a kid, I kept thinking to myself if there is even a thing so called “life” or have I died in the past and this present life of mine was all just a dream. The scariest thing about death to me is the beliefs, that there is heaven and hell, I can never think of myself being in hell that is just too scary for me. 

 Beliefs are the things that should always be there in life because if you think there is no god, and there is, you will go to hell; but if you do believe that there is a god, then you would go to heaven; and if you think there is a god, but there isn’t , it is ok at least you had faith on something, and I think that will be the biggest life lesson about life, to believe and have faith. I don’t know why I was afraid of the dead while growing up, maybe because I feel like they would just awaken, but I shouldn’t really be afraid of that they are already resting. I believe now to be afraid of the living, not the dead because the living people are the ones who can hurt you the most or even end up kill you, and I really don’t want to die, so now I am afraid of human beings. Just kidding, but yes I am still very afraid to die.

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