Tuesday, August 18, 2015

9. APC's Anti-Smoking Campaign

Why do people smoke? They say that when you try your first cigarette it will make you cough like crazy, afterward you will feel dizzy and lightheaded but hyper at the same time, kind of like a buzz for a few minutes. Once people get used to smoking, they will easily be addicted to it, because of the taste in your mouth, the feeling they get when they do it, is like stress removers but addicting. What do people get from smoking? PLEASURE!!! It’s just pleasure, they don’t benefit anything from it and little by little it slowly kills their lungs. Smoking believe it or not, is very expensive, a five-year supply of cigarettes can almost buy you a car, can you imagine that? A CAR!

A lot of high school students already smoke , they are risking their lives for nothing, for fun maybe, but people please don’t  be peer pressured by your classmates because smoking is killing yourself, suicide is a choice, please choose wisely. I have two friends  who smoke , they are named Dominico Cerrrada, and Thom Joneil Ogema Llantos, but they are both really kind friends of mine, even though they smoke, it doesn’t really affect their attitude in any way, but still! I am their friend, so I care for them, I want them to stop smoking for their own health.

I see a lot of students and teachers in my school smoking at the parking lot right in front of the campus, I think it should be stopped for health and social purposes, what if an asthmatic student wants to enroll at Asia Pacific College, but his/her parents saw the people smoking at the parking lot, I bet they would have second thought on enrolling their child, for health reasons. What if other people saw that a lot of students are smoking at the parking lot, they would say that we dress so proper, but allows student and teachers to smoke right in front of the school, and I think that would affect the image of the school itself.


  1. Even though there is a smoking camaign, you still can't stop them because its already their addiction

  2. Thom is so handsome....like your post! :---(

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