Sunday, July 12, 2015

3. Girls and Boys

     Females are a kind of human being which are far more complex and sophisticated than the ones called males. Girls usually get mad at awfully little things, but are unforgiving, for example her reply for “I’m sorry” is k, then walks away.Boys get happy at awfully little things like a 50 peso bill, but forgive easily, too easily in fact that even if they are still mad they say that it is ok already. When boys are mad at something they usually do the distraction method, wherein they try to distract themselves to forget whatever it is that they are mad about, unlike women where they do the open to other girls method, wherein they tell their other girl friends whatever it is that they are mad about, but it usually ends up as gossip.

               Girls make guys happy just by being with them, boys make girls happy just by buying something for them. Boys fall in love with looks that is why girls put on make-up, while girls fall in love with words, that is why boys tell lies. Boys don’t get jealous because they don’t trust girls, boys get jealous because they know exactly what the other boys are trying to do with girls. Boys hate to cry, they rarely ever do. But when a boy cries over a girl, I can guarantee that he loves that girl, because boys only cry when they lose something that they love as much as they love themselves. That is why when I lost my save state at pokemon fire red I was crying so much, because I lost something so important that day.

              As said by Tony Gaskins In “ man hasn’t passed the true test of manhood until he develops the self-control to be faithful to one woman. Any male can cheat, but only real men have what it takes to be faithful. Boys be careful around girls, you might not know that girls are more sensitive than you will, but boys just cant bring their emotions out in words that is why most of the people who suicide are males. Girls take good care of boys, boys have feelings too.

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